University of Central Lancashire

Stand FP39a

Course name : BA(Hons) Product Design & Interiors
Interior Design at UCLan provides a rich and complex subject for creative study; and this is
reflected in the variety of projects on offer, from close exploration of surface and
materials to the production of drawings and models; from small scale fit-out and the close
detail of components, to large scale interior remodelling. Often projects overlap with
other disciplines and we often undertake projects with live clients.
The course is centred on the design studio and workshops, a relaxed and enjoyable
environment with the rigours of a professional working studio/workshop. Beginning with
an introduction to the discipline, you will learn tools and essential skills, gradually building
your abilities and confidence to become a designer who combines creativity with curious
enquiry and professional rigour, able to take on challenges in both imaginary and
realworld contexts. We believe that this blend provides a sound base for you to enter a
career in Interior Design and its many associated fields of practice