Anglepoise Abandon Darkness Award


Winner: Ellen Callaghan

Title of work: Rae

University: Loughborough University


‘Great solution to a widespread problem.’


£500, mentorship, Anglepoise lamp



The cervical screening device is intimidating and archaic, 1 in 3 women aged 25-29 do not attend their cervical screening appointments due to intimation, embarrassment, and trauma. Additionally, trans and gender non-confirming people may avoid cervical screenings for fear of being misgendered and experiencing disphoria.

Rae is an at home cervical screening alternative. The device is applied like a tampon so the experience feels more familiar to the user. An internal mechanical swap spins once inserted which retrieves an accurate and significant sample that can be used to screen for cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is 99.8% preventable with regular screening and vaccinations. Rea helps make more screenings possible by bringing the screening home.


The award will be given to a product that puts sustainability at its heart. The central question entrants must answer is ‘will the Planet thank you?’

An understanding of commercial viability is required:

Who will buy it/invest in it?

Am I using materials that are suitable/available/viable from a cost perspective?

Am I addressing a market and planet ‘need’?